Lowongan Kerja PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia Jakarta

okerja.com Lowongan Kerja PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia Jakarta

Situs ini adalah pusat informasi lowongan kerja resmi yang diambil dari berbagai sumber terpercaya dan siap membantu Anda menemukan peluang karir impian. Dengan berbagai pilihan pekerjaan dari berbagai perusahaan startup inovatif hingga korporasi ternama, kami hadir untuk mempermudah pencarian kerja Anda. Temukan informasi terupdate, tips karir, dan panduan melamar kerja yang dapat meningkatkan peluang Anda. Mulailah perjalanan karir Anda bersama kami sekarang juga!.

Lowongan kerja yang Kami sajikan yaitu meliputi BUMN, Pemerintahan, CPNS dan Swasta untuk semua jenjang pendidikan mulai dari Loker SMP, Loker SMA/SMK, Loker D3, dan Loker S1.

Bagi kalian yang sedang mencari informasi lowongan kerja atau ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan baru, semoga informasi yang kami sajikan di situs ini dapat menjadi referensi yang berguna. Sebagai tips bagi kalian yang ingin melamar pekerjaan, bacalah dengan cermat dan ikuti prosedur pendaftaran yang telah ditentukan. Banyak kegagalan dalam melamar pekerjaan sering kali disebabkan oleh kurangnya pemahaman dan minat membaca informasi lowongan kerja secara menyeluruh. Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses!.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia Jakarta

PT Bank Seabank Indonesia adalah aplikasi perbankan digital yang memudahkan berbagai aktivitas keuangan, seperti menabung dan bertransaksi, melalui ponsel kapan saja dan di mana saja. Produk utama SeaBank adalah rekening tabungan yang dirancang untuk membantu mengelola keuangan harian dengan mudah serta menawarkan bunga tinggi dalam satu rekening. Saat ini, tersedia peluang karir di PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia.

PT Bank Seabank Indonesia merupakan bagian dari Sea Limited/Sea Group, yang juga menaungi e-commerce Shopee dan penerbit game online Garena.

Perusahaan ini resmi berganti nama menjadi PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia (SeaBank) berdasarkan Surat Keputusan OJK Nomor KEP-12/PB.1/2021 pada 10 Februari 2021, dan telah meluncurkan layanan perbankan digital pertamanya.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia Jakarta Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

A. Finance Team

1. Finance Project

Job Description :

  • Build and monitor data mart for finance (liaise with DWH Team)
  • Data sourcing for management reporting and analysis
  • Data sourcing for monthly Expected Credit Loss (ECL)/ Loan Provisioning  calculation and reporting
  • Prepare and monitor requirement and output for product and accounting related report for finance from DWH or BI
  • Ad Hoc Report Automation

Requirements :

  • Minimum Bachelor degree in Accounting/Finance/Banking from a reputable university
  • Background in Information Technology or System Information are highly preferred
  • Knowledge in digital banking industry will be highly preferred
  • Excellent verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills
  • Excellent time management skills
  • Fast learner and ability to adapt
  • Familiar with databases and data analytic tools (SQL, R, Python, Tableau, or others)
  • Fluent in Bahasa and English are required

B. Operations Team

1. Team Leader Quality Assurance

Job Description :

  • Evaluate all documents and work papers related to quality checking in the Collection & Asset Recovery Division.
  • Monitor the precision and accuracy of the QA implementation process.
  • Review all reports related to billing code of ethics verification reports for internal and external parties.
  • Examine the reports related to the results of the code of ethics examination.
  • Provide recommendations based on inspection results to trainers and related functions in the Collection & Asset Recovery Division.
  • Coordinate with partners regarding QA findings.
  • Monitor the progress of implementation of improvement plans by partners based on QA findings.
  • Review and evaluate team performance, provide learning opportunities or training, and taking corrective action, for the team to work with maximize your potential.
  • Prepare each team performance report weekly, monthly, yearly to support evaluate future team performance.

Requirements :

  • Minimum bachelor’s degree from any fields.
  • Minimum 4 (four) years of experience in similar role at banking or related industry
  • Able to operate Microsoft Office, particularly PowerPoint & Excel.
  • Understands BI regulations, OJK regulations, and other regulations related to banking activities.

2. Collection & Asset Recovery Trainer

Job Description :

  • Create the Collection Team’s training work plan (including curriculum & training materials, making quiz, written tests, and roleplays), also creating the training reports to be submitted
  • Ensure the training program is completed according to the timeline and requirements standardized
  • Follow up on QC results to fulfill the training needs
  • Analyze training results on a regular basis to be submitted to management, to find out which parts need to be improved or strengthened
  • Update with any new banking products
  • Validate SOP flow process

Requirements :

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree graduate
  • Minimum 3 years of experience as Collection/Asset Recovery Training
  • Great public speaking is a required skill
  • Understands regulations & procedures related to the banking industry
  • Able to operate Microsoft Office

3. Team Leader Customer Operations

Job Description :

  • Involve and provide solutions to problems experienced by customers that cannot be handled by L1 Agents, to maintain customer satisfaction and Agent capability.
  • Switch L1 agents to serve customers in accordance with specified service quality standards
  • Monitor and evaluate Agent performance, provide learning or training opportunities, and take corrective action, so that Agents perform according to their productivity potential.
  • Ensure L1 agent productivity meets specified targets
  • Prepare and create Agent performance reports every week/month/year, to support future team performance evaluations.

Requirements :

  • Minimum 3 (three) years working as a contact center in the banking industry or technology company
  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree from any major
  • Understand the operation of information & computer systems
  • Understand verbal & non-verbal communication methods
  • Able to communicate using minimally passive English
  • Understand data processing and reporting

4. Team Leader Desk Collection

Job Description :

  • Provide guidance and coaching to enhance team members’ skills and productivity.
  • Managing, evaluate and monitor team performance.
  • Ensuring compliance with regulations and implementing strategies to maximise collection efficiency.
  • Create report for collection activities and check the accuracy of billing results reports.
  • Receive escalation of questions/complaints/cases from agents to ensure problems are handled according to applicable procedures.
  • Collaborate with other departments to enhance overall collection strategies. 

Requirements :

  • Minimum Diploma Degree from any field
  • Minimum 2 years of relevant experience from banking or financial services industry
  • Strong communication and leadership skills.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office (especially PowerPoint and Excel)
  • Understand the laws and regulations from BI, OJK, and other regulators related to banking activities 

5. Operations Project & Policy

Job Description :

  • Identifying the trend and development of technology, issues, and changes in regulation related to KYC (Know Your Customer) & AML/CTF Ops
  • Coordinate with all stakeholders in coordination, execution, and monitoring projects related to KYC & AML/CTF Ops
  • Conducting User Acceptance Test related to the development of the KYC & AML/CTF OPS system features to ensure usability and its compatibility.
  • Monitor and prepare reports related to the performance of KYC & AML/CTF Ops based on the specified matrices
  • Monitor the completeness and relevance of SOP documents in the KYC & AML/CTF Ops department.
  • Coordinate with all position stakeholders in reporting and collecting data related to documentation and reports at KYC & AML/CTF Ops.

Requirements :

  • Minimum bachelor’s degree from any major
  • Minimum 3 year of experience in relevant field, prior experience in Banking Industry will be an advantage
  • Excellent communications skills, project management and time management

Batas Usia :

Batas Pendaftaran :

  • Deadline lowongan tidak ditentukan dan dapat ditutup sewaktu-waktu apabila kuota penerimaan karyawan telah mencukupi

Lokasi Penempatan :

  • Jakarta

Jika sahabat okerja.com berminat dengan lowongan kerja PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia Jakarta silahkan daftarkan diri kalian ke link berikut ini :

Finance Project


Team Leader Quality Assurance


Collection & Asset Recovery Trainer


Team Leader Customer Operations


Team Leader Desk Collection


Operations Project & Policy


Hati – hati Penipuan, PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia Jakarta tidak pernah meminta uang selama proses rekrutmen !

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